PHP code in Feedback form

As we get all data by POST method so we will collect them like this.
We need to validate the data and reply with error message to the visitors so we will set a flag and check the data.
$status = "OK"; // Flag is set 
$msg="";          // Error message to store
// Data Validation starts ///////
// if first Name is less than 3 char then status is not ok
if( strlen($n1) < 3){
$msg=$msg."Please  enter your name
"; $status= "NOTOK";} if(!filter_var($email,FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)){ $msg=$msg." Please check your email address
"; $status= "NOTOK";}
If you want add more validation then you can further extend the above code to cover other data.
Now we will send PHP mail like this.
mail("",$sub,$body_dtl,$headers); // Posting mail 
Here is the complete code.
if(isset($feedback) and $feedback=="post_feedback"){
////////////////// Collecting all data ///////////
///////////////// end of collecting data///
$status = "OK"; // Flag is set 
$msg="";          // Error message to store
// Data Validation starts ///////
// if first Name is less than 3 char then status is not ok
if( strlen($n1) < 3){
$msg=$msg."Please  enter your name<BR>";
$status= "NOTOK";}

$msg=$msg." Please check your email address<BR>";
$status= "NOTOK";}

if( $sum <> 3){
$msg=$msg."Please  check the spam control Sum<BR>";
$status= "NOTOK";}

if( strlen($dtl) < 3){
$msg=$msg."Please  enter your message details<BR>";
$status= "NOTOK";}
///// You can add more such validation for other data if required ///
///// End of data validation /////

$msg = "<font face='Verdana' size='2' color=red>$msg</font>"; // post the error message
}else{ // if all validations are passed.
//// Sending mail ////
$headers4=$email;  // Change this to change from address
$headers.="Reply-to: $headers4 n";
$headers .= "From: $headers4 n"; 
$headers .= "Errors-to: $headers4 n";

$browser=$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] . "nn"; // browser details of user
$ip=$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; // IP address of user

$body_dtl="This is the feedback from \n\n First Name :$n1 \n Last Name :$n2 
\n Email Addrss: $email \n Phone no:$phone \n Address1:$add1 \n Address2:$add2 \n City:$city 
\n State:$state \n Country:$country \n Zip:$zip \n  IP:$ip nn".$browser. "Message Details : $dtl";
//echo $body_dtl;
//echo $headers;
$sub="Feedback From";

//mail("",$sub,$body_dtl,$headers); // Posting mail

//// End of sending Mail /////

$msg= "<center><font face='Verdana' size='2' color=green>
Thank you <br> We will back to you shortly. </font></center>";

$str= "{ "value" : [{"msg" : "$msg","status" : "$status"}]}";

echo $str;
}// Checking of if condition if form is submittted

Basic of Feedback from
Part 2 HTML part of Feedback from
Part 3 JavaScript code of Ajax Feedback from
part 4 PHP script of Feedback from

PHP Mail
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