BeautifulSoup for web scraping

BeautifulSoup for screen-scraping Beautifulsoup is a python library to extract data from HTML or XML files.

To install this package with Anaconda run this line.
conda install -c anaconda beautiful-soup
pip install beautifulsoup4
To read XML files
pip install lxml

Getting the content

Before using our library BeautifulSoup we need to collect the content of the webpage. First we need to send a request to get the content from a website. To do this we need requests library.
Then we need the GET request to collect the details.
import requests
link = ""
content = requests.get(link)
The full page ( HTML code ) is printed by above code.

Creating a BeautifulSoup object

We will use the above code and then apply one BeautifulSoup object to it.
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
soup = BeautifulSoup(content.text, 'html.parser')
Note that we created soup as our object and we will further use this object to traverse the HTML code to get the different nodes. Here we have used html.parser. We can also use other options, like 'lxml' and 'html5lib' for different requirments.

Let us try to extract some common HTML tags
import requests
link = ""
content = requests.get(link)

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
soup = BeautifulSoup(content.text, 'html.parser')
print(soup.title) # gets title tag 
print(soup.h1)    # gets H1 tag 
#print(soup.title.parent) # full string within the  parent tag
Output is here
<title>Canvas html <canvas> tag to draw lines or graphics or animation  in web page</canvas></title>
<h1 itemprop="headline"><canvas> HTML Canvas  tag</h1>
<canvas> HTML Canvas  tag
Collecting all <h2> tags
h2_tags=soup.find_all('h2') # List of all h2 tags
h2_strings = [tag.string for tag in h2_tags] # remove the h2 tag and keep only string part
We can use string as input to create BeautifulSoup object
content = """<html>
<title>Your title of the page here</title>

Hello <br>
Welcome to


from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
soup = BeautifulSoup(content, 'html.parser')
print(soup.title) # gets title 
print(soup.h1)    # gets H1 tag 
print( # name of the tag i.e title
print(soup.title.parent) # full string within the  parent tag
Output is here
<title>Your title of the page here</title>
Your title of the page here
<title>Your title of the page here</title>
<meta content="my description " name="DESCRIPTION"/>
<meta content="kw1,kw2,kw3" name="KEYWORDS"/>
Printing other tags
print(soup.h2)    # gets H2 tag 
print(soup.h2.string) # print text associated with h2 tag
We have two meta tags here, we will get the content attribute of first meta tag and then second meta tags the keywords by using content attribute.
print(soup.meta['content']) # first meta tag, attribute content
print(soup.find_all('meta')[1]["content"]) # second meta tag
my description 

Getting title and keywords from YouTube vide

import requests
link = ""
content = requests.get(link)
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
soup = BeautifulSoup(content.text, 'html.parser')
print(soup.title.string) # gets title tag 
d =soup.find_all('meta')
print(d[4]['content']) # all keywords
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Tkinter frame to hold multiple widgets, adding image to frame, background colour of the frame, border thickness of frame, frame border colour, border on focus, removing frame using forget(), grid_forget(), pack_forget(), adding multiple frames, delete and restore frames, creating frame using grid and pack layout, Image on label and frame, button on click event remove frame, button on click restore frame

Getting all links from a web page

import requests
content = requests.get(link)
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
soup = BeautifulSoup(content.text, 'html.parser')

my_links = []
for ln in soup.findAll('a'):
Before scraping read the website’s legal use of data and avoid frequent request for data to website.

Collecting kyeword suggestions from Google
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